Incident Response Management
Proactive support for organizations facing cyber incidents and threats.
Proactive support for organizations facing cyber incidents and threats.
Championing your rights to personal data privacy and protection.
Unrestricted hosting for security researchers ensuring safe online activity.
Comprehensive services to protect from advanced persistent threats.
We ensure your online safety and privacy are our top priority.
From incident response to advocacy, we cover all your needs.
High-quality services accessible to both corporations and individuals.
We uphold personal responsibility while collaborating with law enforcement as needed.
We provide Rapid Incident Response Management for a wide range of clients - from small business to Fortune 500 Enterprise. All Services we offer have PRIVACY as the Cornerstone, including our Privacy Hosting with Colocation, VPS, & Dedicated Servers, Telecommunications for VoIP, Cellular, & POTS. We also provide a unique One-of-a-Kind Counter-Intelligence Services Suite that's tailored for both corporations and individuals. PACKET.TEL is on multiple boards that relate to Data Privacy and Equality (Similar to the EFF) and contributes regularly to Requests for Comments on Federal and Local Legislation relating primarily to Data Privacy Advocacy.
We prioritize client privacy by ensuring all access to personal information (PII) is done so by only a few specialists on our staff. These Privacy Specialists verify things like Who is making the request for our client's data, and Why. They also interface with our legal team to ensure any legal paperwork submitted to PACKET.TEL is done in a legally sound fashion. We are experts in the realms of Social Engineering and know all of the tricks used by criminals, even using loopholes like Exigent Circumstances. Sorry, but if you think you can use an Exigent Circumstance request without actually being from an actual law enforcement agency, you are mistaken. At PACKET.TEL, our clients know their personal information is safe for two reasons: Our dedication to protecting it, and our aversion to collecting it. We, BY DEFAULT, collect as little about our clients as possible. We encourage crypto-currency payments, and do not ask for mailing address unless we need to send a formerly colocated server back to it's rightful owner. We understand that by offering unrestricted Hosting, Telecommunications, Cellular, and Transit Services that we're going to attract folks that want to use our lack of restrictions to commit crimes. We very strongly encourage all criminals with this intent to keep looking, because this is not the hosting provider for you. We always adhere to all legal obligations under the laws of the United States of America.
Yes. PACKET.TEL was founded by Security Researchers and has designed our service offerings to not only be useful to conducting Internet Security Research, but we are often the ONLY company that can offer some of the services we offer (like IP Header Spoofing, Internet Wide Port Scanning, etc.). Our 'Safe Harbor' Server Hosting ensures you get the best-in-class hosting, including UNFILTERED transit. This is a two-way road though, and requires that all of our clients abide by USA Law. PACKET.TEL LLC does NOT impede, obstruct, or otherwise tamper with log data that may be required to provide if a legally valid Search Warrant is presented to our Legal Team. If you are thinking about using our services to launch DDoS attacks or hack into other companies and/or person(s), you should search elsewhere.
We comply with valid law enforcement warrants. We are a company that is 100% legally established in The Great State of Wyoming in the United States of America. This means that we have obligations to the country we live and work in, primarily, abiding by the laws here. That means if you become a customer of PACKET.TEL LLC and begin SMS spamming, or using your unrestricted internet transit to cause a denial of service flood on an unwilling host, you are committing a crime. If the actions are detected by our security engineers, your account will be terminated and all funds currently available in your accounts frozen until they are ultimately (and legally) seized by PACKET.TEL LLC as outlined in our Security Researcher Agreement Contract that all customers who obtain UNRESTRICTED & UNFILTERED transit must sign. If Law Enforcement contacts us and presents a valid warrant to seize your VPS image, dedicated server, or other assets within the control of PACKET.TEL LLC, we will comply with the order. We are not a criminal organization posing as a legitimate company - we ARE a legimiate company, and committing crimes from our networks is STRONGLY DISCOURAGED as we always work with law enforcement.
NOTE: As stated, we live and work in the USA and are REQUIRED BY LAW to OBEY THEY LAW. This includes complying with Search Warrants. We DO NOT, however, comply with "demands" or "glance requests" in which law enforcement agents are given access to records without having the judicial system FULLY ENGAGED. Our legal team reviews all requests for accuracy and discourages all law enforcement with intents to illicit information from us without going through the proper channels. We take our clients' privacy and rights very seriously.